Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The research process was grueling... intensive...meaty... and delicious.

And now the results are in....

But First, lets look back at the Burger's of blog's past (Que video montage).

It began early in October in the year 2010, a thought was born and this thought became reality as we headed out on an adventure that would change our lives, and our waistlines. The Great Burger Tour of Toronto!

Stop One - the Burger Shoppe in the east end of the city was a formidable foe. Fresh, tasty, and made to order. The result an astounding score and full bellies.

Stop Two - The Great Burger Kitchen also in the east end, sounded great, but failed miserably.

Stop Three - Gourmet Burger Co. with two locations to serve you, an excellent choice by Sammy and a delicious choice for all.

Stop Four - W Burger Bar, a bustling mid-town sit down joint with awesome selections and great service.

Stop Five - Burger Bar and Tequila Tavern, Kensington Market, a disappointment with a side of salt.

Stop Six - The Burger's Priest, thank God for Burger's Priest.

Now the results.....


The Burger Shoppe with the highest average score of 81.75% as voted on by its admirers. All around the best burger in the city.
  • Top quality and tasty/juicy meat
  • Excellent variety of toppings, served fresh and made to order
  • delicious sides (fries, sweet potato fries, onion rings

The runner up goes to W Burger Bar, which is just as delicious and offers the convenience and comfort of being served in a restaurant setting.

And for God's sake, do check out Burger's Priest, you're a sinner if you don't, especially if you are in the east east end!

And that folks, concludes the Great Burger Tour of Toronto. We hope mouths everywhere will be better armed to enjoy the awesome tastiness that Toronto has to offer. 

Stay tuned.... we're thinking pizza next ;)

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